Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

*There have been days in the past that I cry and pout and maybe even kick and scream because I hate that my kids have to struggle with everything that comes along with the their diagnosis of Rett Syndrome and Down Syndrome. Today however is Thanksgiving and I want to focus on all of the reasons I have to be thankful.

I am THANKFUL for my special needs kiddos because...
they have taught me to ALWAYS trust my gut instincts as a mother

they remind me to always believe in them….and they continue to amaze me

I now work to understand research and find ways to financially support it

they helped me learn to let go and realize I am not in control of everything in my life

I now realize the only limits my children will have are the ones that I place on them

I have found my voice and the confidence to use it to fight for them

my family now includes hundreds of amazing people that would have never come into my life if Down Syndrome and Rett Syndrome were not a part of my world

they were given to me specifically to love and be loved by them

they have taught me so much and continue to change me (for the better) every day

they remind me that it is okay to be frustrated, sad, or angry….all perfectly normal feelings (that I might even experience all at once)

I now am invoved with an amazing non-profit organization (GP2C) that allows me to help make a difference every day.

when people stare or whisper, I don’t get angry (usually). I now take it as an opportunity to educate them about Rett Syndrome….thank goodness for my Purple Cards!!!

I have become a much more organized person, with medical records, early intervention paperwork, IEPS, and special diets I sort of have to be

I also no longer cry when my organization completely fails me

I no longer feel sorry for parents of special needs kids, there is no need for sympathy, just love, support and understanding that their lives are a little more complicated than most

their smiles remind me that everything is going to be ok

I have become a better woman, daughter, friend and mother

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